10 Tips for the Suit Wearer
- You have to buy high quality suits. Save your money by buying less costly shirts.
- Your first suit should be charcoal colored. Charcoal is suitable for almost any condition.
- Utilize 2/1 pattern rule. Between your tie, suit, and shirt, two of them should be solid, the other patterned.
- Shoes and belt must match. How well shoes match with your suit does not matter to the degree that how well they match with your belt.
- Fashion design is more significant that quality. Suits will look better on you and last longer.
- Always take off your suit jacket at your desk. Otherwise the elbows will wear out.
- Never button the bottom button of your suit jacket. Button is there for dry cleaners and tailors, not for the wearer.
- Take your suit off when you get home. Never cook in your suits.
- Button your jacket when standing, unbuttons when sitting. Jacket bunches up if you sit with it buttoned.
- Put on your tie after you have brushed your teeth. It is an easy way to ruin a tie if you do not.